Thursday, July 3, 2008

Summer is Here!

Today started off early...we had to be at the airport at 6:00am! We had a wonderful surprise waiting for us. The sweet couple that sat next to us on the same flight last summer was next to us again! What are the odds? They are grandparent aged and totally remembered us. They asked about my health, where was Zada (our foster child for those that don't know), how were my parents, etc. Anyway, catching up with them made our flight zoom by! When we got to Reno, we visited with my parents for a bit at the airport, went to Circus Circus to see a show and play midway games and then it was time to pick up Maggie's neighborhood friend Caroline and her mom, Kari. We drove over Mt. Rose to get to Lake Tahoe, dropped our stuff off at the house and went straight to Incline Beach! That night we ate a wonderful meal at Lone Eagle Grille. Yum.

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