Saturday, January 17, 2009

Trees for Sale!

Maggie is at her great-grandma Marion's in Crosby this weekend. She wanted to go down there before volleyball season starts up next week.

This morning we got up and went to the Urban Harvest fruit tree sale at Rice University. We were not expecting the huge lines...wrapping halfway around the stadium! Luckily we brought the wagon to haul our purchases back to the truck! The wait was not bad. We had nice people to talk to and Rosie was attracting an obnoxious amount of attention! Sometimes it's hard to be anonymous with a "Marley" looking dog!

Although there were literally thousands of trees for sale, we only ended up with one Satsuma. I've been wanting one for years. I'm excited to finally have one of my own!

You want to hear something weird? I recognized someone I didn't even know...right away. What a freak I can be sometimes...I felt like a stalker. Anyway, I follow her blog. She seems like a really nice person!

*** I experimented with using pictures taken with my phone...

1 comment:

Ruthie said...

So great meeting you @ the sale. :-)

Whenever you're ready to build a raised bed garden, let me know. I live in the loop. Urban Harvest is having a Spring and Summer Vegetable Garden class that might be good... but I could tell you a lot of what they will without the class.

I love Earthboxes, and figs! We have a lot to talk about. Get in touch with me at veganruthie at yahoo dot com.

Talk to ya soon!
Russell (my husband) is also a teacher. My sister and brother and law are also teachers. My dad is a professor and my mom was a RN clinical educator. It's fair to say I get along well with teachers!!! :)